Partner With Us To Increase Your Share Of The Pie

Members of our alliance benefit from our custom-designed lead generation system that gives FIRES consultants and your Fire Team real-time access to fire, smoke and water leads. Through intelligent WebScanner technology, your Fire Team can stay on top of lead opportunities in your market as they occur. Our technology takes the auto out of automation and puts humans back in control of lead generation. With our system, your team can listen to filtered emergency communications from the car, the restaurant, home, office or more. For more information or for a demo of the tool, contact us.

Real-World Training

FIRES Loss Consultants chase under our brand, but they work for our alliance members. We help with FIRES consultant selection and training, and provide real-world chase mentoring to ensure that the Loss Consultant that represents your company is fully dialed in on our Proven Process for Results. If you follow our model, you will experience a dramatic increase in your share of the pie. That’s been proven. What you do with that larger slice is up to you!

FIRES’ Proven Process for Results

Having real-time access to leads as they are occurring is one thing, knowing what to do with that opportunity is something entirely different. Don’t recreate the wheel; we have already created it for you. Our Proven Process for Results has been tested and refined on the streets by seasoned FIRES Consultants, and represents our keen insight into the Lead-to-Sale dynamic. All FIRES alliance members are trained by our seasoned staff in the Proven Process for Results.

“It’s the little things that make the difference. Once we learned about the Proven Process, we hit our heads and asked, why didn’t I think of that? This simple process resulted in hundreds of Lead-to-Sale conversions for our company.”
— Tim Bleything, CEO of Phoenix Restoration

Marketing and Non-chase Lead Generation Consulting

FIRES alliance members benefit from our a-la-carte menu of marketing and lead generation consulting services. Our team of professionals designed an agent and property management marketing strategy that is specifically engineered to complement your FIRES’ effort, and has been recognized across the country as ‘best in class’. We have won awards for our marketing efforts – as have those that we have been marketing to – and we want to share them with you.

Partner With Us To Increase Your Share Of The Pie

To learn more about joining our rapidly expanding alliance of restoration contractors, please contact one of our FIRES Sale Team Members at 1-405-888-8020. Remember, you deserve a voice on the scene of an emergency. Let FIRES give voice to your dreams.

Join Our Alliance